Our 2019 USA Virginia Flue Cured Tobacco is a more robust, full-flavored tobacco leaf. This leaf arrives with your standard cigarette tobacco smell and produces a smoke similar to a Red Marlboro. This crop is similar to our American Virginia Flue Cured 2018 crop in body and flavor. Enjoy this all-natural tobacco leaf in…$17.99
Brightleaf Virginia Flue Cured - Smooth Our Smooth Brightleaf Virginia Flue Cured Tobacco is an easy smoking, mild tasting leaf. The Brightleaf Flue Cured are some of the best Virginia tobaccos we've tried and they come carrying a wonderful flue cured aroma. This tobacco is packed pressed in bales, but still…$17.99
Canadian Virginia Flue Cured The Canadian Virginia Flue Cured Tobacco Leaf is commonly used in cigarette and pipe tobacco blends. It has a wonderful smooth smoke with a mild flavor. For a similar leaf grown in the USA, be sure to check out our American Virginia Flue Cured (B). Also known as Brightleaf Tobacco, Virginia…$17.99
Our Light Fire Cured (R) Tobacco Leaf can be described as a wonderful middle ground between the Dark Air Cured and Dark Fire Cured. This leaf is a dark leaf that comes with a lower-strength smoky aroma and smells that the fire-cured tobacco leaf is famous for. Although this leaf is traditionally used to make…$20.99
This Organic American Virginia Flue Cured leaf has a darker, more reddish/orange color, and packs a bit more of a full flavor that most American tobacco blends are famous for. This leaf carries a more robust yet still unmistakably fresh smell. USDA Certified Organic American Virginia Flue Cured Tobacco is now available at Leaf…$21.99
Certified Organic. This Organic Canadian Virginia Flue Cured leaf typically has a yellow color but can look very similar in color to the Organic American. It arrives with a heavenly fresh, unmistakable aroma - bringing back memories of the tobacco leaf before the mainstream commercial usage of today. USDA Certified Organic Canadian…$22.49